Businesses heavily rely on IT for business operations. So, it is normal for them to experience some common IT problems. 

The common IT problems businesses face are as follows. 

  1. Cybersecurity threats
  2. Data backup and recovery issues
  3. Network downtime
  4. Internet connectivity issues
  5. Hardware malfunctioning 
  6. Software issues
  7. Cloud integration problems
  8. Hyperlocal weather-related downtime
  9. Lack of safety knowledge
  10. Shadow IT issues 
  11. Digital fatigue 
  12. Poor IT documentation
  13. Lack of strategic planning

IT support services can help businesses to overcome the issues in the most effective and hassle-free ways. In this guide, we will discuss how these issues can hamper business operations in detail. We will also point out how IT support services help businesses handle the issues and smoothen their business operations. 

13 Common IT Problems Businesses Face and Solutions Through IT Services

Businesses can face a lot of IT-related problems throughout their business operations. Here, we have discussed 13 common and uncommon IT problems businesses face. We also point out how IT service providers can help your business solve these issues.

#1 Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threat is one of the biggest IT issues in business. In 2023, ACSC got around 94,000 cybercrime reports. This is a huge leap from 2022, which was 76,000. 

With cyberattacks like phishing scams, ransomware, malware, and data breaches, businesses face threats to company information. 

Due to data breaches, companies face huge financial losses. In 2023, the worldwide financial loss from cyberattacks was $12.5 billion. 

Businesses that work with clients’ privacy face IT compliance challenges as well. For example, law firms, local councils, banks, health service providers, etc., work with clients’ data.

Businesses like these must protect clients’ data from cybersecurity issues under the Privacy Act 1988 in Australia. Otherwise, they will result in reputational damages and punishments. 

How IT Service Provider Can Help

IT support service providers offer comprehensive cyber defence services. They ensure cyber protection through firewalls, data encryption, security patches, and 24/7 remote network monitoring. 

They also employ digital identity verification requirements to prevent unauthorised access to your IT system.

#2 Adequate Data Backup and Recovery Issues

    Data is the backbone of a company. As we mentioned earlier, data can be breached and lost due to cyberattacks. Aside from cyberattacks, data can be lost due to human errors, system malfunctions, natural disasters, etc. 

    As a result, this causes operational hindrance, financial loss, and business reputations.

    However, the big challenges companies face are data backup and recovery challenges after data loss. Most companies don’t have any data backup and recovery plans and fail to implement effective data backup and recovery solutions. 

    Ultimately, this lengthens the possibility of a potential disaster for the companies. 

    How IT Service Services Can Help

    Managed IT service providers make data backup and recovery strategies from the very beginning of their IT system plan. They include both cloud- and server-based data backup. 

    Regular data backups are automated and stored securely offsite. This allows for business continuity even after severe incidents. Ultimately, this ensures businesses can recover their lost data from backup and minimise downtime and financial losses. 

    #3 Network Downtime

      Many companies in Australia and worldwide face network downtime. This prevents the accessibility to the network or entire IT system. As a result, it hinders your IT system operations and results in operational and financial damages. 

      Network downtime can happen due to

      • a power cut,
      • improper maintenance,
      • cyberattack, 
      • hardware or software failures, or 
      • any other technical failures. 

      However, the consequence of network failure can be financially drastic for your business. Downtime costs can vary from thousands of dollars to millions. For example, your downtime cost can be more than $17,000 per minute, with an average of $9,000. A Ponemon Institute study in 2016 shows this data. 

      On the other hand, the British Airways data centre outage in 2017 caused a €400 million loss in only 15 minutes. 

      How IT Support Service Solve This

      Managed IT support service providers ensure remote network monitoring on a 24/7 basis. So, monitoring helps identify any issues when they start to happen and resolve them before they become major issues. 

      IT service providers continuously monitor network performance to ensure proactive system troubleshooting. Ultimately, your business can minimise downtime and ensure the system remains operational around the clock. 

      #4 Slow Internet Connectivity Problems

        Internet connectivity problem is one of the common IT problems businesses face too frequently. Slow internet and bandwidth issues can severely hinder daily business operations. 

        This is particularly true for businesses reliant on constant communications and real-time data processing. For example, customer services and call centres, financial services, transport and logistics, healthcare, security services, etc. 

        Slow internet connectivity can cause network downtime. Also, poor bandwidth management leads to sluggish system performance. Ultimately, these lead to reduced employee productivity and frustrated clients. 

        How IT Service Provider Can Help

        Internet connectivity issues can happen due to your routers, wiring, or poor ISP service providing. IT service providers can assess the real reasons behind the issue and consult what to do. 

        Also, IT support providers offer bandwidth optimisation solutions. This ensures that businesses use their internet resources efficiently. They also provide you with 

        • Internet connection and usage monitoring,
        • Network redundancy measures,
        • Introducing traffic management tools. 

        They boost your internet speed. They allow fast, seamless team communications and data transfers. 

        #5 Hardware Malfunctions

          Hardware is the backbone of a business’s IT infrastructure. But hardware failure is also a common problem businesses face. Hardware failure may include anything like

          • physical servers
          • computers,
          • hard disk, SSD
          • power supply failure
          • memory failure
          • network components like routers, switches, hubs, etc. 

          Hardware failure can cause data loss and system downtime. It can also stop system operations. A report says that 64% of IT downtime worldwide is due to hardware failure, configuration issues, or poor hardware management.

          A big problem for businesses is the lack of in-house experts to fix hardware failures. So, they can’t manage hardware failure troubleshooting or repair the components. 

          How IT Service Provider Can Help

          Managed IT service providers ensure fast fixes for your hardware issues. As a result, you can bring back your business operations within the fastest possible time. 

          Aside from troubleshooting, they provide preventive care, such as regular hardware health checks and diagnoses. This proper maintenance ensures the extended lifespan of the hardware and prevents any major hardware breakdown. 

          Alongside, expert IT service can suggest when to replace any hardware by checking the health. This helps you to get minimal operation disruptions. 

          #6 Software Incompatibility and Outdated Software Issues

            Software is built to be compatible with your IT system’s hardware and operating system. As software ages, it must be updated to work with new hardware and IT. Otherwise, the software incompatibility will misbehave in the system and can’t function properly.

            Proper software integration is also vital for proper functioning. For example, a poorly integrated accounting app in your CRM system will lead to inaccurate financial reports. 

            Alongside, outdated firmware technology also can’t cope with the hardware. Because outdated firmware can’t give basic machine instructions to hardware to function. 

            The same 2023 survey we mentioned earlier shows that, in the last three years, software faults have been the second most common cause of IT outages.

            How IT Service Provider Can Help

            IT service providers offer outdated software solutions. They automate the software updates with business tech solutions. This ensures the software is compatible with the system. 

            They fix integration issues and manage system upgrades. It makes the system work better and enhances the communication between departments.

            #7 Cloud Integration Issues

              Cloud computing has become popular for its ease of use, data safety, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and more. 93% of Australian companies are already using at least one or two cloud infrastructures for their businesses.

              But still, companies are facing difficulties when they are shifting to cloud services. The issues are happening particularly with data transfer, security, and compatibility due to a lack of expertise.

              How IT Service Provider Can Help

              Managed IT services ensure seamless shifting of cloud computing for businesses. While migrating the system to the cloud, they measure security vulnerabilities and ensure the most effective security patches. It reduces the risks of data loss and security breaches.

              They help with cloud system integration and manage access controls. It helps businesses use the cloud’s full potential.

              #8 Hyperlocal Weather-Related IT Downtime

                Flash floods, localised heavy storms, or sudden temperature changes can disrupt business operations by interrupting IT systems in Brisbane. IT system downtime can happen due to physical infrastructure damage, power supply outages, data centre outages, etc.

                For example, a business might have an on-site server in Brisbane. This can go down because of storms or heavy rainfall in its immediate area. Even though the broader region is not affected.

                How IT Service Provider Can Help

                Local IT service providers monitor regional weather and ensure visionary solutions to the issues. With their local weather knowledge, they can provide quick, on-site support. 

                Their services include system backup, cloud migration, and implementing the IT infrastructure and data centres in less vulnerable areas. 

                They also develop and implement IT disaster recovery plans based on local weather behaviour that help your business run seamlessly.

                #9 Lack of Safety Knowledge of Employees

                  Not all businesses are IT-related in Australia or worldwide. So, a very common problem among the company’s employees is a lack of IT knowledge. 

                  People frequently receive phishing messages via phones or unauthorised websites they visit. People with a lack of IT knowledge simply click the links they get, which will likely benefit them. But they can’t judge what they are actually doing.

                  For example, people frequently may receive messages like-

                  CONGRATULATIONS! You have won the $500,000 lottery. Click the link below to claim your prize.”

                  Simply put, the links are full of malware and phishing materials. You click on the links, and you just have handed over your device’s security to the hackers. And if the employees, or even any C-level employee, do so, your company’s data are in others’ hands. 

                  It is because your device may have logged in to your company’s IT system, and the attackers simply targeted and achieved what they targeted for. 

                  How IT Service Provider Can Help

                  Managed IT service providers will offer employee training on basic IT system usage. The training will train the employees how to use the system, what to do, and what to avoid. 

                  They will also train in basic malware and phishing approaches hackers use so that they can safeguard themselves from such targeted activities. 

                  #10 Shadow IT

                    Shadow IT means the use of any IT resource of a company by someone who is not authorised to use it. Generally, any employee can do so without the knowledge or approval of the authority. 

                    Employees may do so to increase productivity. But without approval and knowledge of authority, it creates communications gaps and data security and compliance risks. 

                    On the other hand, employees can shadow IT intentionally, too. Whatever the reason, shadow IT creates security issues that cause data breaches and can destroy the entire IT system. 

                    A survey shows that in Australia, 32% of employees shadow IT among the responders to their survey. 

                    How IT Service Provider Can Help

                    IT support services can monitor networks for unapproved software use. This ensures all tools meet security and policy standards. They provide secure, approved options that balance flexibility and compliance. This reduces the risks posed by shadow IT.

                    #11 Digital Fatigue in Employees

                      Businesses are using technology more in almost all operations. Employees can suffer from digital fatigue due to this digitalisation. It is a feeling of being overwhelmed by constant screen time, virtual meetings, and tech-based work. This can lower productivity and raise stress among employees.

                      How IT Service Provider Can Help

                      Managed IT service providers can use simple tools and tech. These are designed to reduce digital fatigue. This includes optimising workflows and automating where possible.

                      The activities can also include employee training. So that they can use systems better. IT service providers help companies adopt hybrid work solutions, too. These solutions reduce screen time.

                      #11 Poor IT Documentation

                        A lack of proper IT documentation can hinder business operations. This particularly happens during

                        • staff turnover,
                        • when IT systems are upgraded, or
                        • when troubleshooting technical issues.

                        Poor IT documentation leads to inefficiencies and prolonged downtime. Because, essential info on processes, systems, or configs is missing or outdated.

                        On the other hand, poor IT documentation also can cause data sprawl. Because with poor or no IT documentation, data is scattered on multiple platforms. These include platforms like cloud, devices, servers, etc.

                        This makes data difficult to manage, secure and access. This can lead to duplicate data, poor governance, and inefficient info retrieval.

                        How IT Service Provider Can Help

                        IT providers ensure accurate documentation of all IT systems. They include

                        • network setups,
                        • hardware and software configurations,
                        • cybersecurity protocols and plans and
                        • troubleshooting protocols.

                        It helps businesses maintain continuity. It also streamlines onboarding and transitions.

                        #12 Lack of Strategic IT Planning

                          Many businesses lack strategic IT planning for the future. As a result, they may fail to implement proper cybersecurity, hardware installation, IT infrastructure management, data backup and recovery, and more. 

                          This can resist a successful IT system implementation and, ultimately, hinder efficient system operations. 

                          How IT Service Providers Can Help

                          IT staff outsourcing allows you to get a precise and future-proof strategic IT plan for your business. Because managed IT service providers are professionals who don’t work without any plans. 

                          So, they will develop a year-round strategic IT plan to implement for your IT system. This will include everything from hardware to software, cybersecurity to cloud services, and network design to 24/7 support. 

                          Final Words

                          IT problems for businesses are serious issues to look for since they can cause drastic operational and financial damage. So, businesses should efficiently eliminate these problems. 

                          An experienced and expert Managed IT service provider can help you solve these issues efficiently. If you are in Brisbane, ITTexBox is committed to helping with any IT support. 

                          We have been providing managed IT services for years in Brisbane. We ensure you will have a great strategic IT system implementation that will cause almost no IT system issues. Our services align your business needs and keep your business operational with almost zero downtime.