Every business depends on technology to some extent. Any technological issue can cause downtime and cost you profit. There can be network outages, hardware failures, software bugs, data loss, or cybersecurity breaches.  An IT support company can save you from such incidents. They are ready to solve your problems whenever you face any issues. But hiring the right company is crucial. Otherwise, you may not get timely support. This leads to increased downtime, security loopholes, and loss of revenue.  

12 Tips for Identifying the Right IT Support Team

You have many business IT solutions providers at present in Australia. This makes selecting the right company for you a bit difficult. However, you won’t make a wrong choice if you are aware of the following things:

Consider the Experience of the Company and Staff

Experience is always a crucial aspect when looking for a technical support company. It becomes much easier to get an overview of their services. Experienced companies are more likely to be expert in handling different types of problems. New companies may not have enough practical knowledge to deal with them. You can ask them questions about the experience of their staff as well. More experienced members are more professional, skilled, and expert. So, keep the experience of the company at the top of your checklist. 

Services They Provide

It’s essential to know what services a company provides. But before that, you need to make a list of services your business needs. Then you can compare if a company can meet all your needs. Opt for a company that can take full responsibility for your IT infrastructure management. You won’t have to contact different teams for different issues. This ensures a faster service during emergencies. 

Communication Method and Response Rate

Every minute in business has special value. Technical issues within the network can hamper workflow. Phishing or hacking can lead to unexpected downtime. A  report from ABB claims that per-hour downtime in an Australian industry loses about $349000. Quick communication, therefore, is crucial. You can get in touch with them faster and share your problems. This protects your business from coming to a halt. 

Choose a company that offers multiple communication methods. It keeps communication uninterrupted if one of the platforms does not work. Response rate is also one of the crucial factors. You may need immediate help with crucial technical issues. If they reply after hours, it will affect your user experience. The problem can get bigger and lead to more serious issues. 

Brand Reputation

A strong reputation often means reliable service. A good reputation is not built in a day. It requires years of good service. You should check the history of a company before finalising the deal. Here is how you can do research about the background of a company:

  • Check reviews on Google, Yelp, or industry-specific forums. 
  • Visit the business’s website to know about them. There they are more likely to share their goals, mission, and vision. 
  • You could also benefit from IT consultancy services. See discussions about the business on forums or professional networks.

Can They Support You When You Grow?

Companies often outsource their IT support services. Initially, you may not need too many services. However, as your business grows, you will need more services. There will be more issues, and more IT staff will be needed for management. Not every IT company offers scalability. You will have to look for another company. 

The better option, therefore, is to choose a company that offers scalability. They can meet your increased needs. You won’t have to spend time looking for another company again. Focus on your business without worrying about the IT department tasks. 

Methods of Providing Security

The ABS reports that about 22% of businesses experienced cyber attacks in 2020. That’s one in every five companies. It shows the importance of your business network security management. Both small and medium or large businesses are often targeted by hackers. Cyber criminals intend to steal data or insert viruses into your network. It can cause financial loss. But more than that, it harms your reputation.

Look for companies that excel in cybersecurity services. They will develop a security model to protect your business. They can also train your staff in the right and safe internet practices. It promotes a safe environment for your business.  

Check Reviews from Other Clients

You must check the reviews of companies they have on different platforms. Don’t just loot reviews on their websites. You should also check on GMB, maps, forums, and other social media platforms. These reviews are more reliable. 89% of users check online reviews, according to Forbes. You must do it, too. These reviews tell the positive and negative aspects of the business. You get to know how satisfied their other users are. 

Don’t hesitate to ask the IT support company for references. Speaking directly to their clients can give you a clearer picture of their performance.

Get Reference from Your Network

A great way to find the right company is to get references from your network. Start by asking colleagues and business contacts. They can share their experiences with IT support providers. This is not the only way to get help. Use your other networks, too, such as:

  • Use professional networks like LinkedIn. Post a query asking for recommendations. People in your network can provide trusted suggestions.
  • Attend industry events and meetings. Discuss their IT support with other business owners. 
  • Reach out to local business associations. They often have lists of reputable IT support companies.

Choose A Proactive Team

A fast-responding team is good. However, a company that offers proactive IT maintenance is better. This means they prevent problems before they happen. They monitor systems regularly and fix issues early. A proactive team will guide you through IT solutions. They provide advice on upgrades and improvements. It helps your business get ahead in technology. 

You must review the IT support contract carefully. Ensure it includes proactive services. You can discuss their problem-solving approach. A proactive team does not only solve a problem. Rather, they find out what caused the problem. Finally, they take preventive steps so that a similar problem does not repeat. 

Compare Quotes and Your Budget

Budget is always a concern during IT support outsourcing. A good way to find the best service at the best price is by comparing quotes. Request quotes from several companies. Ask for detailed services and costs. It helps you understand why they are asking for the mentioned money.   

Compare these quotes side by side. Look at what each company offers for the price. You must not choose the cheapest option. This can also lead to poor service. Instead, make a balance between value and quality. Also, check if the quotes meet your budget. If a quote is higher, see if it provides extra benefits. Sometimes, spending a bit more ensures better service. You should also discuss the hidden fees. This saves you from disputes with the company later. 

Opt for 24/7 Monitoring Service Providers

Technical issues can happen at any time of the day. It can be during the morning, evening, or even late at night. You have to be prepared for any problems at any time. The problem will persist longer if the outsourced support company is not available all the time. 24/7 service ensures your network system is constantly being guarded. It protects you from different issues. And if there is any issue, an active support team can help. It affirms that you get support whenever needed. 

Prefer Managed IT Services Providers

Managed IT service provides outsourced It services. These companies handle everything from maintenance to security. They keep your systems monitored continuously. You won’t have to bother about any technical tasks. They will update, upgrade, and backup everything your company needs. Common services include the following:

  • Protection against online threats and data breaches
  • Helpdesk support to ensure immediate assistance for technical issues
  • Network management, including configuration, optimization, and troubleshooting. 
  • Adherence to regulations and minimising risks
  • Secured storage and retrieval of important data through backup and recovery 

Final Words

An IT support company is responsible for keeping your business safe, active, and protected. You have to be wise when choosing them. Managed IT service providers with 24/7 support, expert, and scalable companies should get priorities. ITTechbox contains these qualities. It makes us a reliable IT support team for companies in Brisbane. We have expert staff readily available 24/7 to help you. Our strategic approach prioritises network security, full support at both remote and onsite conditions. Years of reputation and satisfactory service make us a trusted partner for business IT solutions.